Friday, September 16, 2005

Muvie watching and not much else

(Yes I know how to spell "muvie". Or something.)

[skip intro yes/no ? y]

Am vazut astazi filmul "The merchant of Venice". Apparently este dupa Shakespeare or sth si au pastrat (macar in parte) textul shakespearian. Ceea ce a dus la un fenomen foarte interesant: la un moment dat au inceput sa ma incurce subtitrarile pt ca nu surprindeau exact esenta originalului, asa ca nu m-am mai uitat la ele. That lasted for about 1 minute, cat mi-a luat sa ma prind ca nu mai intelegeam ce ziceau. Oh well. Times are tough anyways.
Altminteri filmul este dragutzel, desi nu e chiar genul meu. Adica nu are prea multe sabii (scoase din teaca) si singurul sange de care am avut parte este de capra. On the other hand, there was a nice bonus: acest film contine dovada irefutabila a faptului ca femeile sunt EVIL. If there was anyone still doubting that.
So all in all, nu e un film la care sa ma uit a doua oara; heck, nu e genul de film la care sa ma duc in the first place. Why did I do it you ask ? Well... girlfriends are evil :D

[random text intended to smoothe the translation to the next part]

Then again, avem celalalt film pe care l-am vazut de curand - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Asta are sabii din abundenta, and they are huge, which is a good bonus. Nimic rau de spus despre poveste, it carries on the FF 7 legacy really nice but IMO the movie has one major flaw: the music. Outside of combat it's okay, but the combat music is either too weak or non-combatty enough that... I'm sorry to say that it totally ruined it for me; I've been unable to enjoy many of the fight scenes because of it (and they do make up for about 80% of the movie, and are otherwise great). Singura melodie marfa e cea din batalia finala, probabil ca sa compenseze faptul ca muzica din ultima lupta din JOCUL FF7 was absolutely awful. Anyway, if you can enjoy this movie to its fullest despite that, then you're lucky.
(Random fact: a mai observat cineva ca au schimbat diverse chestii de cand au facut trailerele ? De exemplu sabia lui Cloud din lupta cu Kadaj. Ahh... digital movies are so cool.)

[skip ending yes/no ? y]

Hf 'n all.


Blogger Gabriel Sandu said...

Beware of La Chupacabra! It has been known to haunt you even after just seeing its gory blood.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Gabriel Sandu said...

I need more experimental data on this "girls" test subjects you speak of. But I think a shopping spree test will give us a measure of the full extent of their evilness.

11:53 PM  

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